Sunday, 28 October 2012


I feel that my conspiracy rant only captured briefly the essence of my potential understanding.....Something comes in and I just gotta get it out and more often than not I rush through missing vital points of information that are necessary to those who need more of a step by step guideline. Unfortunately right now, I don't have the time to elaborate and explain in detail where you might find answers other than from within. On this subject, my point is to remember who or what you are. Your limitless potential. To open your system and focus on what really matters...... realisation! This is what will set you free.
Here I am going to leave a link....which is in my link sections anyways, to a man who although is the foremost conspiracy buff.....still makes it his point for you not to get caught up in the conspiracies themselves. It is consciousness that is my point, and also his, regardless of the mind boggling potential truths he speaks of. The aim is still the same. Realise and reclaim your consciousness at any cost.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


OK.......this is a touchy one......but I'm going in anyways........
There is no doubt in mind or the mind of anyone who is aware of the ins and outs of human control or suppression that there are cheeky organisations out there trying to control society and feed the masses rules and fears to do just this. Often through sneakily causing mass destruction and death, pinning it on "less stable" societies/people or religions. Then coming across as the good guys and ensuring you that if they take away your liberties, your freedom and monitor the shit outa every move you make, they will stop these terrible people and protect your fragile, fearful existence.
There's a huge list of conspiracy theories.....alot of them possibly correct, absolutely no doubt.
I think it is important to be aware of this stuff and it's impact on your freedom robbery.....but I can also see a "conspiracy conspiracy" going on here that pulls a full circle to rob you of your freedom whilst you are busy looking into the way it robs you......confused? Just how they like it!
Here's my point.......The actions of these people/ corporations/ thieves, have become so obvious and mass scale that anyone can find proof of their blatant evils. Now I am not one to judge here on right and wrong, as i have said before, everything is a beautiful lesson, but i am not big on purposely harming someone physically or impeding their growth in any way.That said, I'll get back to my point......
It seems now that these overly obvious conspiracies that consume us and piss us off are being used to consume you and intrigue you to the point that if we indulge them too far and too long, they have you by the balls! obsessing and being pissed off about these things is now the driving force to blind you from being open to your surroundings, yourself and the flow of energy just waiting for you to clear your system and realise your own truth.
At first we have always been blinded by our beliefs and consumed by our morals and social expectations, dictating our actions and curving our true energetic flow and path.....people are starting to realise that all the stuff they placed importance on, judged others or themselves on, have been inhibiting their realisation and full potential as an incredible being and masterpiece of some divine plan.
Those who were happy to keep this blinding matrix in place are aware that we are peering through the cracks and seeing our own existence as a lie.......starting to see that we are truly free, starting to see we are controlled.
Enter mass destruction, conspiracies and terrorism! just when you were reaching out to touch your freedom from the mind trap, they pulled us back with fear and "stuff" to consume the mind again and pull it from the light. while everyone is busy researching, accusing and seeing these obvious acts of horror....those who wanted you to stay blind are contently twiddling their thumbs and smiling....because now they have your attention again. It has been pulled away from the personal freedom they were so afraid that you were about to find, and focused on more bullshit to keep you blind.
See the conspiracy for what it is, it has its place and needs to be seen....but obsessing about it is another freedom trap, mentally, physically and spiritually.....
It makes no difference to true realised personal freedom whether Osama stole Bush's barbie doll or vice versa....or aliens made pretty patterns in the's still pulling at your senses and your fear strings.....the truth doesn't give a shit about any of it.........