I feel that my conspiracy rant only captured briefly the essence of my potential understanding.....Something comes in and I just gotta get it out and more often than not I rush through missing vital points of information that are necessary to those who need more of a step by step guideline. Unfortunately right now, I don't have the time to elaborate and explain in detail where you might find answers other than from within. On this subject, my point is to remember who or what you are. Your limitless potential. To open your system and focus on what really matters...... realisation! This is what will set you free.
Here I am going to leave a link....which is in my link sections anyways, to a man who although is the foremost conspiracy buff.....still makes it his point for you not to get caught up in the conspiracies themselves. It is consciousness that is my point, and also his, regardless of the mind boggling potential truths he speaks of. The aim is still the same. Realise and reclaim your consciousness at any cost.