a friend of mine commented jokingly about me starting a cult...hahahaha....truth be known the whole cult thing has been coming up with me a lot lately.......we live in a society based on rules we follow blindly and morals we accept as either good or bad...right or wrong....etc.....we believe something, no matter what we assume. where do your morals and rules you follow come from? where does that box of rights and wrongs you judge people by in your mind come from? they come from religion......the most overwhelmingly huge cult on the planet....so big it dictates your life and has done the whole time..so big that it is not even seen because everyone is in it....fed its rules upto your eyeballs since the day you were born by your parents and peers until it was just the norm......all you atheists are going.."bullshit! i'm not religious!" hahahaha....maybe you don't believe in god....but you follow the rules set out to control you thousands of years ago anyways......and they keep getting tighter.......everyone can feel it......and its only a matter of time before we all turn.
violence or anger isn't the answer either....nor lowering ourselves to physical rebellion....all the answers are within...sitting quietly like a pure unmolested diamond waiting for you to sweep the pile of bullshit clean off it and see it for what it is.....pure anarchy.....not in the sense we assume anarchy to be....but anarchy is freedom born of understanding and truth. once you hit that diamond nothing will seem right or wrong....except the obvious exception of purposely harming another for your own gain or impeding their path. proper action will be born of energetic feeling first...intuition....and from the moment.....aaaannnnddd you'll probably look a little skitzo and contradictory.....but the nature of energy is to move and change based on its surroundings and needs....therefore it can change in a split second....if you are following that, it may seem chaotic, but actions will be pure and everything and everyone will get just what they need.......baring in mind, what you need isn't always what you want....the lessons and emotions that hurt are the ones that are on their way out and they have to go.....so let go.....