Thursday, 12 July 2012

the position of power!!!
to all you tattoo artists out is a little insight into what i believe many of you have been chosen for......we do not have a normal "job".......we deal with people everyday...more than many other professions.....we enter into their energy field and they enter into ours. its no mistake each individual client comes to you.....most of you have generally got a back problem or some pain in your body that is impossible to get rid either localises in an area or it moves around, but its always there.....partly and foremostly, we assume its because we are hunched over working for long hours.....maybe this is partly the problem.....
through time i have explored the energy centres within the body, whether they be your chakras or meridians...or some point where energy is stored....lets get one thing straight first...we are electrical beings, scientifically proven to be made of energy...undeniable. your back pain is generally lower....we are vessels to either soak up energy and or to push energy out. consider how a client feels when they are being tattooed....anxiety, fear, pain....all this is lower nature animal or primal feeling. these primal feelings are projected from the lower energy centres. without the proper awareness and ability to take on that energy and rid your system of it through some kind of grounding technique, it will be taken on and stored in your system....generally the lower centres...hence the back pain or fears etc that are not yours and are surprising to you when you discover them. grounding is not new and its not hour barefoot for the day after work......grounding mats, or conscious ability to release energy are extremely important to remain pure and not take on others "stuff".
the position of power that you hold is the ability to reverse this action to a degree.....if you are taking on their energy, it is impossible for them to not receive yours. you have the ability to push energy back into those you touch. it is extremely important, in my opinion, that we develop a consciousness that is realised and pure...and push that energy back into the client...not only calming them, but potentially awakening their energy centres and causing a purge and a more enlightened state of being.
the tattoo is a collaborative process between artist and client......energetically we come together and we bring out something they have within and leave it on their skin......the more open the client, the better the know the ones that fight you and how that ends up....the ones that feel you and let go get the gold. the tattoo isn't the addiction that they come back for....its the energy they receive from you.....or the mesh of their energy and yours together.
i can't stress the importance of educating yourself and enlightening yourself to see the truth of being...of living pure! its this that you will transfer.....eventually they will feel it and the ball will start to roll, with or without you seeing the progress of that individual. occasionally you will have one that will feel compelled to open up to you and the discussion, or the process of undoing begins.
as a collective, with the right intent, we possibly can educate, help transform and create change amongst society......even if you touch one person and help to liberate them....or be liberated by them! then none of it is in vain.
i feel strongly that the time has come...and has been snowballing for sometime,....that there is a shift of consciousness coming.....the end of an outdated way of being....a suppressed, harshly controlled, consumer driven and condoned matrix that has become so false and obvious it is starting to crack. people everywhere are waking up to it.......many of us have created our karma within this system...through living beyond our means or creating a lifestyle that is completely unnessecary only to fill that void of not being enough...but its not hard to undo......karma is simply a reaction to an i got a loan to buy shit i didn't need, now i am bound to work my ass off like a blind bee in order to pay for this shit.....and the sacrifice is living free and in the now....because we are anxious now that if we don't sacrifice our true way of being...we will lose our car, our house, our boat our toys...the things that now define who we are...the things we believed would fill that void.
the truth is, accepting that life ultimately has no purpose....there is no trophy at the end...there is no pot of gold.....will fill that void instantly and you will see life reveal itself before your eyes and enjoy it for the game that it is in the moment.....with no worries about all the other shit we complicate it with....
if we do this, then those who feed us the idea we need to consume, which mind you, is what keeps them in control of you, will inevitably fall and life will take its natural order......