Friday, 28 September 2012


Something I have been watching and considering for some time now is the meaning...or more closely, the possibility that chance does not really exist at all....its a complex concept, like everything imagined by man, and is not without its contradictions.
Fate or destiny, which if believed, would cancel out chance.
I have had the great fortune to have had a realisation on many occasions and to then be put in a situation to have it confirmed as solidly as I had felt it to be, in my eyes, "correct".
An example of this was on a plane, not only once.....but in this case it fits well.
I had been doing some intense "unlearning" of that which i believed myself to be.....this was by choice for the last 20 years, but the way it came on and out of me was far from the way I expected or by any means wished it to happen.....but thats another story.....
After months of being ripped apart, I realised, as I have said before, that there truly was no right or wrong. They were merely relative ideas.
I took a plane to see the realised master I had been to see often over about the last ten years in Melbourne.(refer to sailor Bob on the links) And had the great fortune while in this state to be sat next to 2 priests for the journey......hahahaha.....I was brought up in a religious family and attended a religious school my whole life....At one point I believed wholly everything that they did. Needless to say I took this opportunity by the horns and put my headphones down as soon as I found out they were men of the cloth...or at least studying to be....Chance? I dont think so!
The conversation turned quickly to morals.....rights and wrongs....who had the ultimate say? who made the ultimate rules? And, of course, what happened if you didnt follow them?!
Their argument was obvious, the ol' ten commandments talk...I'd heard everything they had to say 1000000 times and knew the conspiracies surrounding religions/politictics etc also. But this was not at all what I wanted to talk to them about.
I asked them, by their rules, how many terrible things they had done in their lives and what regret they held or guilt if any.
They told me of countless tales of things they had done wrong and the guilt they felt etc.....I had done all those things and more, yet I felt nothing.
I asked them if they were happy where they were now? both of them, with large smiles, said that they were elated that they had now found god and all those sins would now be washed away and forgiven.....I then asked, if they changed one thing...just one of those apparent "wrong things" that they had done, hell even one of the "right" things!, would their path have continued to their happiness now? or would that resistance have changed their course in their life and lead them somewhere completely different?
After staring blankly for a bit they then answered that there was every possibility that they may not be where they were, all happy n all, had they just not performed one of those "morally"incorrect or correct  actions.
So how could an action that lead you to your current happiness be wrong or right?
Did you ever have the choice of either performing that action or not? Or was it destined...prewritten that that was just always gonna happen because that was your fate?
We are generally so preoccupied with our reaction to a situation that we fail to see any code, any writing on the wall that we are on the only track we are or were ever gonna be on.
We know how we want our path to be...smooth, happy and easy.....consistent with what  we have grown up learning how we like stuff to be...not how stuff is.
I have had so many experiences that reflect back these findings that it has become almost impossible to ignore that things just are what they are...whats happening in your life was quite possibly always going to happen. Now its just the reaction that needs attention....the reaction is the mirror to show you just how much resistance we are putting up against what may just be fate anyway.
If you believe in reincarnation, they say it takes something like 100000 births to create then undo your karma. Each life reflecting karma left over from a previous lifetime for you to transcend. I have never been sure on the whole rebirth thing, I am still not sure, but in this case it is beginning to make sense to me. I would usually ask "what is reborn if it is merely a body and an ego/phantom, which dies anyways?"....Now we are approaching questions about the soul.....another time.
So after all that, I am starting to feel and see a lot more consciously that there is almost a map laid out on how your life will run...And the faster and higher energy is getting, the faster these almost predictable events, or should I say predictable feelings brought on by specific events, are coming in.
Everything and everyone presents itself to you for a reason. Being conscious of your feelings and reactions to these things is the key to realising all the crap that makes you up. Awareness and consciousness are the greatest healing tools we possess!
There is never anything that happens for no reason...someone you meet for no reason....a reaction you have for no reason. Investing in why or what these things are or why they present themselves is your only true way of clearing the junk from your goal of pure understanding and realisation, of being healed and helping others to heal. That is the destiny on the road of fate.
Soooooo I get to the gurus home and sit quietly in satsang for the most part, and the topic of right and wrong rears up without me ever bringing it up. So after listening to much discussion amongst my peers and observing Bobs slight smile and laid back silence, I say to him, "So Bob....ultimately, there is no right or wrong is there?"......He just smiles gently and says.."No".