Tuesday, 11 September 2012


This has been on my mind since karma..... It's always been my understanding that dharma is the natural law of how things should flow. Or more intimately, your path to realization or truth. Definitions of dharma, in my opinion, can appear contradictory. But I guess that's always going to be the case when you try and explain the unexplainable with a mind and words which it is beyond. It seems to explain that dharma is living "right"or following a set of rules and morals that are considered correct.... Everyone wants freedom... But they juuuust want a few rules or instructions to get there. To me, this is where it all collapses on itself once again. Who discerns these rules/ morals of correctness? The curve ball that's thrown at me to learn from will always be different to the one thrown at someone else. One set of rules to approach infinite variations of the curve ball will get no one anywhere. Your dharma is your path. We all have possibly simar things to transcend, yet there is no one approach. Mindfulness of the karma that continues to recur in life is your guide, your dharma. Then mindfulness and specific personal action to go about undoing or transcending these recurring "stones on the road" is your "way". Drop your beliefs.... If you believe in something you shut off to other possibilities, which once again are infinite. Right, morally or otherwise, for you, may not be so for me. Your rules, rights and wrongs etc.  become your religion.
Each issue within your dharma will present itself with many faces until it knows for sure you have seen through it and let it go.
You have to be like water and flow with what comes up on "your" path.... Forget about judging someone else's! As an imperfect being, you have no right to even assume you know why they are like they are or act like they do. Maybe it's their way of transcending their issues. So focus on yourself. What are the stones in your river? Can u flow over them or around them? Can you pass all these stones in a mindfull manner and end up lapping peacefully on the river bank? Or like so many, will you let life turn into rapids and end in a cascading water fall because you were to busy not paying attention and liberating yourself from this dream?
Heaven is here and now.... And it doesn't give a shit what you look like, what you eat, smoke etc. as long as it is approached purposefully an truthfully, with understanding and action.... Whatever action that may be for you.
Follow your heart and energy.... Be prepared to change your approach when the energy changes the game... And it will, as that is its nature.