The reality and absolute concrete basis of truth... And our ability to understand it through creating its opposite for the perfect viewing platform.
Everything u were taught in your life and came to believe, all the things that moulded your very idea you have come to believe as yourself. All the things u had drummed into u and the importance of these supposed facts that were consistently backed up to u and ultimately all fed directly to u by your peers, your family, also energetically imprinted and falsified by an overly affirmed fearful and thus palatable collective unconscious and also the collective, until they became the false idea that is the entity that is yourself. These ideas and beliefs are not new and not merely spawned by those around u. They are the product of interpretation based on generations of relative concepts created by each individual u are directly and indirectly associated with throughout the existence of the human being. False truths handed down as dogmatic stories rehashed, rewritten, and handed down over Millenia. thus forming evey perception and all your reactions of how u falsely perceive those around you, how u have falsely built a self.
These false concepts.. False truths....
Have become the most important thing in the existence of your human form allowing u to understand.. All be it to manoeuvre through your outer life and exist in a ridiculously false human manner. You now have become merely a story generated by memories of your past, and possible predictions of a Non existent future based on your relative reactions and concepts of this past. What is forgotten and never taught to u, is the very fact that that past is gone. It is merely a story now. Your story... Based on somebody else's...And that future is actually an empty and an entirely blank page that will only have content added by your actions in the present. There is only the present that exists. The rest is just an idea that is 100% infinite possibility that only u limit by your constant reaction and thus attachment to the past.
Your truth is that if u be, right now, in the present, without jumping on a story or predicting a non existent future.... Then u are free. U are perfect. And u will act purely through feeling and react perfectly to the outcome of each pure action. If this is done.. Nothing can ever be wrong. Because the intent and the action will rise from a perfectly silent and undeniable consciousness. That is your true nature. The body, mind, etc is a puppet. An actor used by consciousness to give it the perfect untruth of human madness so that it can realise itself in and from the negative (not necessarily wrong) form.... From its opposite. Only once consciousness has created it's perfect opposite, can it have its opportunity to understand itself. Without dark, how can light exist. Without unconsciousness how can consciousness know itself? That, is the purpose of life.