Tuesday, 23 June 2015


In the beginning, there was an  feeling that the way things are... Isn't where we should be.. At least eventually. So the motivational question for a seeker is simply... Why?
Why should I look? What is in it for me?
Inherently we are the centre of our own universe... To begin with, a selfish ball of energies with a dharma, a purpose. Without this initial selfish nature, we wouldn't be compelled to fill its desire... The true desire of freedom.
The answer to why is not going to be handed to the seeker, this is the point.
To learn to trust that original stirring and follow it through the human maze, back and forth the metaphysical and physical... With unbending faith, that if these feelings are followed, utilised, learned from and owned.... Then the atman, the holy grail, will be instantly, undoubtably presented as a trophy and a token of gratitude for following the right path for your soul.. At this point before owning the true knowledge of life, the desire that also initially drove the being for freedom, must also be let go. The path least travelled by almost all beings here, but none the less... The right one.
As I have observed.. The structure is made up of leaders, followers, healers and teachers. The true teacher possesses all traits, none more important than the other, but all individually the most important when they are required.
Now u know why! The truth! That which every being u lay eyes on or not, is looking for. The answer is the same for all, yet the journey is different for all. The teacher will see and understand every individual souls particular journey although his may have involved none of the tests of the seeker. The answer is a knowing that ultimately we are one entity... A true teacher can see the path for all, because his individuality has been transcended despite appearance and often action. There is no longer an individual with a question. He will hold all. And with unbending faith in him at times of low clarity or fear clouding the  guru within, the guru without can see and guide the seeker back to himself at any point.

We all need a reason why before we will do anything
We want a story a concept and a concrete outcome
We forget to feel right now not get out of bed for a lesser valued human result
We all agree that humans in their awesomeness only use less than 10% of their brain to achieve this. And we just accept it and wonder and create a fantasy of just how amazingly unfashionable we and everything around us would be if we used the whole lot! Even 10% more! Then we let it go as a pipe dream and accept out loud our shortcoming without batting an eye.
Has anyone said how fucking ridiculous is that?! And began the path least traveled to find the keys and drop the heavily lodged belief that 10% is acceptable?! It is a miserable fail on any test u could score on. 10/100. Fuck!
and if you have been told that this idea has been disproven, and u believe that...well then u have been fooled very easily into never expanding. and will remain controlled and incomplete.