Monday, 31 December 2012


There is something calm sitting below the surface... Maybe it's what u would call "the witness"... Untouched by emotion.. Untouched by everything that appears right or wrong... Just sees life in its simplicity and perfection. It's always there. The emotional body rears and bucks alot... But if we empower that witness, slowly the emotions will be controlled or transcended. They are the product of our false self... The possessive child like ego. It hurts like hell to destroy it... We have to be gentle and explain to it and show it the actions it allows. The trick is not to mind that it hurts emotionally as we transcend. The pain means we are working through the stupidity to a freer, more accepting life.
Good luck for the new year to u all.
Love and peace.

Sunday, 28 October 2012


I feel that my conspiracy rant only captured briefly the essence of my potential understanding.....Something comes in and I just gotta get it out and more often than not I rush through missing vital points of information that are necessary to those who need more of a step by step guideline. Unfortunately right now, I don't have the time to elaborate and explain in detail where you might find answers other than from within. On this subject, my point is to remember who or what you are. Your limitless potential. To open your system and focus on what really matters...... realisation! This is what will set you free.
Here I am going to leave a link....which is in my link sections anyways, to a man who although is the foremost conspiracy buff.....still makes it his point for you not to get caught up in the conspiracies themselves. It is consciousness that is my point, and also his, regardless of the mind boggling potential truths he speaks of. The aim is still the same. Realise and reclaim your consciousness at any cost.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


OK.......this is a touchy one......but I'm going in anyways........
There is no doubt in mind or the mind of anyone who is aware of the ins and outs of human control or suppression that there are cheeky organisations out there trying to control society and feed the masses rules and fears to do just this. Often through sneakily causing mass destruction and death, pinning it on "less stable" societies/people or religions. Then coming across as the good guys and ensuring you that if they take away your liberties, your freedom and monitor the shit outa every move you make, they will stop these terrible people and protect your fragile, fearful existence.
There's a huge list of conspiracy theories.....alot of them possibly correct, absolutely no doubt.
I think it is important to be aware of this stuff and it's impact on your freedom robbery.....but I can also see a "conspiracy conspiracy" going on here that pulls a full circle to rob you of your freedom whilst you are busy looking into the way it robs you......confused? Just how they like it!
Here's my point.......The actions of these people/ corporations/ thieves, have become so obvious and mass scale that anyone can find proof of their blatant evils. Now I am not one to judge here on right and wrong, as i have said before, everything is a beautiful lesson, but i am not big on purposely harming someone physically or impeding their growth in any way.That said, I'll get back to my point......
It seems now that these overly obvious conspiracies that consume us and piss us off are being used to consume you and intrigue you to the point that if we indulge them too far and too long, they have you by the balls! obsessing and being pissed off about these things is now the driving force to blind you from being open to your surroundings, yourself and the flow of energy just waiting for you to clear your system and realise your own truth.
At first we have always been blinded by our beliefs and consumed by our morals and social expectations, dictating our actions and curving our true energetic flow and path.....people are starting to realise that all the stuff they placed importance on, judged others or themselves on, have been inhibiting their realisation and full potential as an incredible being and masterpiece of some divine plan.
Those who were happy to keep this blinding matrix in place are aware that we are peering through the cracks and seeing our own existence as a lie.......starting to see that we are truly free, starting to see we are controlled.
Enter mass destruction, conspiracies and terrorism! just when you were reaching out to touch your freedom from the mind trap, they pulled us back with fear and "stuff" to consume the mind again and pull it from the light. while everyone is busy researching, accusing and seeing these obvious acts of horror....those who wanted you to stay blind are contently twiddling their thumbs and smiling....because now they have your attention again. It has been pulled away from the personal freedom they were so afraid that you were about to find, and focused on more bullshit to keep you blind.
See the conspiracy for what it is, it has its place and needs to be seen....but obsessing about it is another freedom trap, mentally, physically and spiritually.....
It makes no difference to true realised personal freedom whether Osama stole Bush's barbie doll or vice versa....or aliens made pretty patterns in the's still pulling at your senses and your fear strings.....the truth doesn't give a shit about any of it.........

Friday, 28 September 2012


Something I have been watching and considering for some time now is the meaning...or more closely, the possibility that chance does not really exist at all....its a complex concept, like everything imagined by man, and is not without its contradictions.
Fate or destiny, which if believed, would cancel out chance.
I have had the great fortune to have had a realisation on many occasions and to then be put in a situation to have it confirmed as solidly as I had felt it to be, in my eyes, "correct".
An example of this was on a plane, not only once.....but in this case it fits well.
I had been doing some intense "unlearning" of that which i believed myself to be.....this was by choice for the last 20 years, but the way it came on and out of me was far from the way I expected or by any means wished it to happen.....but thats another story.....
After months of being ripped apart, I realised, as I have said before, that there truly was no right or wrong. They were merely relative ideas.
I took a plane to see the realised master I had been to see often over about the last ten years in Melbourne.(refer to sailor Bob on the links) And had the great fortune while in this state to be sat next to 2 priests for the journey......hahahaha.....I was brought up in a religious family and attended a religious school my whole life....At one point I believed wholly everything that they did. Needless to say I took this opportunity by the horns and put my headphones down as soon as I found out they were men of the cloth...or at least studying to be....Chance? I dont think so!
The conversation turned quickly to morals.....rights and wrongs....who had the ultimate say? who made the ultimate rules? And, of course, what happened if you didnt follow them?!
Their argument was obvious, the ol' ten commandments talk...I'd heard everything they had to say 1000000 times and knew the conspiracies surrounding religions/politictics etc also. But this was not at all what I wanted to talk to them about.
I asked them, by their rules, how many terrible things they had done in their lives and what regret they held or guilt if any.
They told me of countless tales of things they had done wrong and the guilt they felt etc.....I had done all those things and more, yet I felt nothing.
I asked them if they were happy where they were now? both of them, with large smiles, said that they were elated that they had now found god and all those sins would now be washed away and forgiven.....I then asked, if they changed one thing...just one of those apparent "wrong things" that they had done, hell even one of the "right" things!, would their path have continued to their happiness now? or would that resistance have changed their course in their life and lead them somewhere completely different?
After staring blankly for a bit they then answered that there was every possibility that they may not be where they were, all happy n all, had they just not performed one of those "morally"incorrect or correct  actions.
So how could an action that lead you to your current happiness be wrong or right?
Did you ever have the choice of either performing that action or not? Or was it destined...prewritten that that was just always gonna happen because that was your fate?
We are generally so preoccupied with our reaction to a situation that we fail to see any code, any writing on the wall that we are on the only track we are or were ever gonna be on.
We know how we want our path to be...smooth, happy and easy.....consistent with what  we have grown up learning how we like stuff to be...not how stuff is.
I have had so many experiences that reflect back these findings that it has become almost impossible to ignore that things just are what they are...whats happening in your life was quite possibly always going to happen. Now its just the reaction that needs attention....the reaction is the mirror to show you just how much resistance we are putting up against what may just be fate anyway.
If you believe in reincarnation, they say it takes something like 100000 births to create then undo your karma. Each life reflecting karma left over from a previous lifetime for you to transcend. I have never been sure on the whole rebirth thing, I am still not sure, but in this case it is beginning to make sense to me. I would usually ask "what is reborn if it is merely a body and an ego/phantom, which dies anyways?"....Now we are approaching questions about the soul.....another time.
So after all that, I am starting to feel and see a lot more consciously that there is almost a map laid out on how your life will run...And the faster and higher energy is getting, the faster these almost predictable events, or should I say predictable feelings brought on by specific events, are coming in.
Everything and everyone presents itself to you for a reason. Being conscious of your feelings and reactions to these things is the key to realising all the crap that makes you up. Awareness and consciousness are the greatest healing tools we possess!
There is never anything that happens for no reason...someone you meet for no reason....a reaction you have for no reason. Investing in why or what these things are or why they present themselves is your only true way of clearing the junk from your goal of pure understanding and realisation, of being healed and helping others to heal. That is the destiny on the road of fate.
Soooooo I get to the gurus home and sit quietly in satsang for the most part, and the topic of right and wrong rears up without me ever bringing it up. So after listening to much discussion amongst my peers and observing Bobs slight smile and laid back silence, I say to him, "So Bob....ultimately, there is no right or wrong is there?"......He just smiles gently and says.."No".

Saturday, 22 September 2012

The Path

stop looking for a path to your are on it.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


This has been on my mind since karma..... It's always been my understanding that dharma is the natural law of how things should flow. Or more intimately, your path to realization or truth. Definitions of dharma, in my opinion, can appear contradictory. But I guess that's always going to be the case when you try and explain the unexplainable with a mind and words which it is beyond. It seems to explain that dharma is living "right"or following a set of rules and morals that are considered correct.... Everyone wants freedom... But they juuuust want a few rules or instructions to get there. To me, this is where it all collapses on itself once again. Who discerns these rules/ morals of correctness? The curve ball that's thrown at me to learn from will always be different to the one thrown at someone else. One set of rules to approach infinite variations of the curve ball will get no one anywhere. Your dharma is your path. We all have possibly simar things to transcend, yet there is no one approach. Mindfulness of the karma that continues to recur in life is your guide, your dharma. Then mindfulness and specific personal action to go about undoing or transcending these recurring "stones on the road" is your "way". Drop your beliefs.... If you believe in something you shut off to other possibilities, which once again are infinite. Right, morally or otherwise, for you, may not be so for me. Your rules, rights and wrongs etc.  become your religion.
Each issue within your dharma will present itself with many faces until it knows for sure you have seen through it and let it go.
You have to be like water and flow with what comes up on "your" path.... Forget about judging someone else's! As an imperfect being, you have no right to even assume you know why they are like they are or act like they do. Maybe it's their way of transcending their issues. So focus on yourself. What are the stones in your river? Can u flow over them or around them? Can you pass all these stones in a mindfull manner and end up lapping peacefully on the river bank? Or like so many, will you let life turn into rapids and end in a cascading water fall because you were to busy not paying attention and liberating yourself from this dream?
Heaven is here and now.... And it doesn't give a shit what you look like, what you eat, smoke etc. as long as it is approached purposefully an truthfully, with understanding and action.... Whatever action that may be for you.
Follow your heart and energy.... Be prepared to change your approach when the energy changes the game... And it will, as that is its nature.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

i had "maybe" tattooed on me many years ago to remind me of this taoist story.....i have told the story many times when people have asked me why i have it tattooed on has huge relevance to me so i thought i would share....
and i thought i would throw the other one in just because its another favourite........

Maybe (Taoist story)

There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. "Such bad luck," they said sympathetically. 
"Maybe," the farmer replied. The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. "How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed.
"Maybe," replied the old man. The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune. "Maybe," answered the farmer. The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out. "Maybe," said the farmer.

Obsessed: crossing the river

Two traveling monks reached a river where they met a young woman. Wary of the current, she asked if they could carry her across. One of the monks hesitated, but the other quickly picked her up onto his shoulders, transported her across the water, and put her down on the other bank. She thanked him and departed. As the monks continued on their way, the one was brooding and preoccupied. Unable to hold his silence, he spoke out. 
"Brother, our spiritual training teaches us to avoid any contact with women, but you picked that one up on your shoulders and carried her!"
"Brother," the second monk replied, "I set her down on the other side, while you are still carrying her."

Monday, 30 July 2012


I feel I need to step back a little here instead of just vomiting what comes out of me onto my keyboard and then pressing publish....although thats how i like it to come out, I'd kind of like to make these things a little more user friendly. It is important when picking a path to keep it simple and keep your eyes on the road, yet always have your heart and third eye open, ready to feel when you need to take another road that presents itself on your path.
The one thing that everybody seems to go on about is karma. In my experience, most people have this extremely confused. Lets have a proper look at karma by looking at the underlying factors that create it.....and the reason why people use the term "good karma and bad karma".
This is a back pedal here to understand why people have this idea. Depending on your belief system, the mental, moral and social structure which you abide by and base all your actions and reactions around, will depend on how you react to karma. To begin with, your structure is purely relative. Meaning, any action or reaction, will only ever seem right or wrong to you, based on your beliefs. Your beliefs or things you hold as true and merely an idea....they are not absolute, and therefore have no real substance or concrete reality.
Karma is the reaction to any given action. it is neither good nor bad. Only a spin off  from action. nothing more, nothing less. "Good karma", is when the reaction is desirable to your idea of how you think things should go.....Once again, it is good when it checks off with your beliefs in a desired way. "Bad karma", is when the reaction to the action doesnt go your way....Still, its checked off with your ideals of good and bad.
The moral majority may agree with you on your good karma/bad karma theory because they probably hold the same or similar beleif systems to you. This in no way makes any of you right.
If you judge someone based on your beliefs, you are instantly claiming that they are wrong and you are right.
Everyone has been fed a different bullshit sandwhich their whole lives from the people around them......So no one is right, no one is a relative sense...because thats all they know to be true. But everyone has needed that particular set of beliefs for some greater reason. And everyone, regardless of their beliefs, have been given that set of rules to see through and transcend.
Ultimately, the minute we believe something, we close off to the infinate possibilities available to us.
The universe will always give you what you desire....but it may not be what you want. It may not be what suits your idealistic idea of how you want your life to run.....smooth and pot hole free.
Every pot hole is a karmic reflection of the shit you need to look at within yourself and see through and let go.
It sounds kinda easy, but this is a process of undoing yourself, and ultimately it means the death of everything you held true and sacred. And that can be pretty damn painful.
If we dont begin to recognise these lessons and deal with them as they rise, each one piles ontop of the next until you WILL break down and be forced to deal with the whole lot at once...And believe me, that is a very unpleasant experience to go through.
The flip side of it though is to see through everything, and the gift of FEELING what is the right way to go, not trying to think it based on a pile of beliefs that are incorrect.
Karma just is. It doesnt attack people. It doesnt have emotion. It doesnt give a shit if you heed it or not. It is simply the law of nature that can be used as a tool to help you see through your false ideals about yourself, others, and life. Nothing more, nothing less.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

the position of power!!!
to all you tattoo artists out is a little insight into what i believe many of you have been chosen for......we do not have a normal "job".......we deal with people everyday...more than many other professions.....we enter into their energy field and they enter into ours. its no mistake each individual client comes to you.....most of you have generally got a back problem or some pain in your body that is impossible to get rid either localises in an area or it moves around, but its always there.....partly and foremostly, we assume its because we are hunched over working for long hours.....maybe this is partly the problem.....
through time i have explored the energy centres within the body, whether they be your chakras or meridians...or some point where energy is stored....lets get one thing straight first...we are electrical beings, scientifically proven to be made of energy...undeniable. your back pain is generally lower....we are vessels to either soak up energy and or to push energy out. consider how a client feels when they are being tattooed....anxiety, fear, pain....all this is lower nature animal or primal feeling. these primal feelings are projected from the lower energy centres. without the proper awareness and ability to take on that energy and rid your system of it through some kind of grounding technique, it will be taken on and stored in your system....generally the lower centres...hence the back pain or fears etc that are not yours and are surprising to you when you discover them. grounding is not new and its not hour barefoot for the day after work......grounding mats, or conscious ability to release energy are extremely important to remain pure and not take on others "stuff".
the position of power that you hold is the ability to reverse this action to a degree.....if you are taking on their energy, it is impossible for them to not receive yours. you have the ability to push energy back into those you touch. it is extremely important, in my opinion, that we develop a consciousness that is realised and pure...and push that energy back into the client...not only calming them, but potentially awakening their energy centres and causing a purge and a more enlightened state of being.
the tattoo is a collaborative process between artist and client......energetically we come together and we bring out something they have within and leave it on their skin......the more open the client, the better the know the ones that fight you and how that ends up....the ones that feel you and let go get the gold. the tattoo isn't the addiction that they come back for....its the energy they receive from you.....or the mesh of their energy and yours together.
i can't stress the importance of educating yourself and enlightening yourself to see the truth of being...of living pure! its this that you will transfer.....eventually they will feel it and the ball will start to roll, with or without you seeing the progress of that individual. occasionally you will have one that will feel compelled to open up to you and the discussion, or the process of undoing begins.
as a collective, with the right intent, we possibly can educate, help transform and create change amongst society......even if you touch one person and help to liberate them....or be liberated by them! then none of it is in vain.
i feel strongly that the time has come...and has been snowballing for sometime,....that there is a shift of consciousness coming.....the end of an outdated way of being....a suppressed, harshly controlled, consumer driven and condoned matrix that has become so false and obvious it is starting to crack. people everywhere are waking up to it.......many of us have created our karma within this system...through living beyond our means or creating a lifestyle that is completely unnessecary only to fill that void of not being enough...but its not hard to undo......karma is simply a reaction to an i got a loan to buy shit i didn't need, now i am bound to work my ass off like a blind bee in order to pay for this shit.....and the sacrifice is living free and in the now....because we are anxious now that if we don't sacrifice our true way of being...we will lose our car, our house, our boat our toys...the things that now define who we are...the things we believed would fill that void.
the truth is, accepting that life ultimately has no purpose....there is no trophy at the end...there is no pot of gold.....will fill that void instantly and you will see life reveal itself before your eyes and enjoy it for the game that it is in the moment.....with no worries about all the other shit we complicate it with....
if we do this, then those who feed us the idea we need to consume, which mind you, is what keeps them in control of you, will inevitably fall and life will take its natural order......
This was a great endcap to my Australian tattooing trip, on the last day of Rites of Passage, on my good friend Gregos. It symbolizes the jaded concepts and oppressive constructs of the world obscuring the jewel of enlightenment and peace inside every person--and the ability of each of us to transcend the ego trap with the blossoming of true knowledge. I consider this a companion piece to the book and flower tattoo featured elsewhere in my tattoo gallery.....Nick Baxter

with the permission of nick to use his art on my blog, i thought i would share this tattoo that nick did on me last sums up in basic terms what i see as our beginning....that which we are fed, blinds and misguides us....and our potential to transcend and bloom with awareness and an expanded consciousness......
it seems like a horrible and difficult existence....and thats often not far from the would have been a hell of a lot nicer to stay pure as we were in birth.....the truth is, we wouldn't understand the beauty of what we have and the purity within without first first living and ultimately understanding and seeing through the falseness of the darkness we were fed.......yin and yang, dark and light, can't exist without the other....its impossible to understand that which we perceive as good, without first understanding and living the bad.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

a friend of mine commented jokingly about me starting a cult...hahahaha....truth be known the whole cult thing has been coming up with me a lot lately.......we live in a society based on rules we follow blindly and morals we accept as either good or bad...right or wrong....etc.....we believe something, no matter what we assume. where do your morals and rules you follow come from? where does that box of rights and wrongs you judge people by in your mind come from? they come from religion......the most overwhelmingly huge cult on the big it dictates your life and has done the whole big that it is not even seen because everyone is in it....fed its rules upto your eyeballs since the day you were born by your parents and peers until it was just the norm......all you atheists are going.."bullshit! i'm not religious!" hahahaha....maybe you don't believe in god....but you follow the rules set out to control you thousands of years ago anyways......and they keep getting tighter.......everyone can feel it......and its only a matter of time before we all turn.
violence or anger isn't the answer either....nor lowering ourselves to physical rebellion....all the answers are within...sitting quietly like a pure unmolested diamond waiting for you to sweep the pile of bullshit clean off it and see it for what it is.....pure anarchy.....not in the sense we assume anarchy to be....but anarchy is freedom born of understanding and truth. once you hit that diamond nothing will seem right or wrong....except the obvious exception of purposely harming another for your own gain or impeding their path. proper action will be born of energetic feeling first...intuition....and from the moment.....aaaannnnddd you'll probably look a little skitzo and contradictory.....but the nature of energy is to move and change based on its surroundings and needs....therefore it can change in a split second....if you are following that, it may seem chaotic, but actions will be pure and everything and everyone will get just what they need.......baring in mind, what you need isn't always what you want....the lessons and emotions that hurt are the ones that are on their way out and they have to let go.....

so what is it that inspires or has inspired so many people through the ages to write a book or share their beliefs, philosphies, or interpretations of "the great thinkers" own writings....or their own? sometimes i guess it is to cash in on a particular global consciousness at a given time…or the fact that humans in general are made to feel lesser than particular individuals made famous by the media or society and thus feel the need to fill their "inadequate" minds and spiritual voids with the day to day garbage of some false hero in order to take the pain of facing their own mundane existence. its always  easier to tear someone else's flaws apart in order to make your own feel less pronounced. we see it everyday…we tear it and indulge in it everyday. and ultimately go about our lives fooling ourselves that "we are just fine, its everyone else who is fucked up!" and then each day rolls into the next……and we trick ourselves again, just to get by....numb just enough to our own trickery to get us to bed time and sleep it off before it surfaces. 
even this, that i am writing, will probably be scoffed at by the masses….because i'm a "nobody" ………. if some great artist, musician or scholar were to write these words…well people might actually ponder them and take something from it.
So what IS my reason for even bothering to write anything, that probably no one will give a shit about or just simply judge me on?
i guess its the same reason anyone at some point of years of searching and tearing everything apart in search of that "holy grail" to fill that ever present void that something is always missing, sits down to share what they have come to realise.
rather than spewing it out on Facebook or something where people are forced to see me purge....anyone interested now can have the choice to read my rants and see why and where it comes from.